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Clifton Beach House

I was fortunate to work with these clients, who are avid gardeners and artists, to design a tropical garden that provides a structure within which we could introduce potentially hundreds of different plant varieties and create exciting colour and textural combinations. The amazing climate in Cairns means that you can comfortably use native species like a Flame Tree (Brachychiton acerifolius) with introduced species such as spiral gingers (Costus var) and Cordylines to produce amazing colour combinations and patterns.

Elsewhere meandering paths create a journey through dramatic Heliconias, Lipstick palms and bromeliads. A garden like this is constantly changing over time and requires a dedicated owner to maintain it to the standard seen in these photos. The initial layout and  landscape design mean that new plants can be easily added and experimenting with different species is achievable without spoiling the overall appearance of the garden. This garden has featured in ‘Contemporary Australian Garden Design – ‘Secrets of Leading Garden Designers Revealed’ by John Patrick (Gardening Australia) and Jenny Wade – purchase book here.